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Elia Nurvista

Elia Nurvista. Photo courtesy of Whiteboard Journal.

Elia Nurvista is an Indonesian artist whose practice focuses on food production and distribution and its broader social and historical implications. Food in various forms—from the planting of crops, to the act of eating and the sharing of recipes—are Nurvista’s entry point to exploring issues of economics, labour, politics, culture and gender. Her practice is also concerned with the intersection between food and commodities, and their relationship to colonialism, economic and political power, and status.

Elia initiated and has run Bakudapan since 2015, a food study group that undertakes community and research projects. Within this collective, she and other member do cross-references research and practice about food that have trajectory between other disciplines such ethnography, gastronomy, art and botany.

Elia Nurvista. Photo courtesy of Whiteboard Journal.