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Dr Nigel Taylor

Nigel has been CEO of Life Saving Victoria (and prior to its creation – Surf Life Saving Victoria) for 25 years. He was instrumental in creating LSV’s – Guidelines for the Lifesaving Facility of the Future document. This document introduced a commitment by LSV to open and welcoming facilities that were designed to fit comfortably and respectfully into their local coastal environments.

In his time as CEO, the organisation has grown its membership to now number more than 34,000. In 2018/19 it is budgeting for a turnover of $21m. LSV provides services and programs that address all aquatic environments in terms of increasing participation in a safe and enjoyable manner.

His doctoral thesis addressed the matter of community responsibilities and organisation in a devolved government environment. LSV, being a working example of how this concept can play out in a real time scenario.

He has a strong personal commitment to thinking about the notion of access to and use of our bluespace environments. This thinking takes account of Victoria’s expanding population, the communities desire to hold gatherings in unique natural settings, the need to uphold high standards of OH&S and the desire to make the experience a memorable and satisfying one for all parties.